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What is TOFTigers?
TOFTigers is a pioneering campaign and leader in advocating sustainable and conservation based tourism in South Asia as a critical wildlife conservation tool.
Experience and research shows that responsible wildlife and nature tourism can provide an invaluable platform to support and sustain parks, wildlife conservancies, buffer zones and local communities. It can also play an important role in poverty eradication.
Its mission is to ensure wildlife based travel is a force for good. Protecting biodiversity. Restoring habitats. Supporting rural livelihoods. Reducing poverty, and raising awareness of the vital ecological, spiritual and economic role that wildlife and wilderness play in our own survival too.
Critically for you, TOFTigers has a global membership of over 240 of the world’s leading travel companies, so you can choose a world-class tour operator, a local agent or one or more certified PUG Eco-friendly lodges in India and Nepal’s most fabulous parks, home to tigers and other creatures – all of which you can enjoy here on at the click of a mouse.
To advance the welfare of wild animals threatened with extinction through the loss or degradation of their wild habitats, and to promote the protection, expansion and improvement of those habitats
Experience incredible forests, wildlife and landscapes knowing you are helping to safeguard their future.
TOFTigers Good Wildlife Travel Guide to India and Nepal is there to help you plan a holiday of a lifetime in one of the world’s most incredible wildlife viewing regions of the world.
By staying in one of the PUG eco-rated lodges listed in the Guide, you will be helping protect nature and support local communities. Find out about what the PUG Mark stands for here. You will also find a host of the very best travel companies from around the world in the Guide to help you plan your holiday whether you want to travel independently or as part of a group. Each has signed a Code of Conduct to follow responsible practice and to use PUG eco-rated accommodation where they can.
Look out for these TOFTigers PUG Marks when you’re deciding where to stay in the wild to help us ensure a sustainable future for tigers, wildlife and their local communities
The TOFTigers PUG Mark accreditation scheme, recognised by the UN-backed Global Sustainable Tourism Council, represents South Asia’s first and highest standard in eco auditing for wildlife focused accommodation providers operating in or around wildlife parks, sanctuaries or areas of outstanding natural beauty in both India and Nepal.
Our primary aim is to ensure the ongoing conservation of wildlife habitats and their protection, conservation and rehabilitation, with tourism as a conservation and poverty alleviation tool. A key driver is enabling local communities to benefit from more responsible tourism.
So while you or your clients have a fabulous and memorable wildlife safari, TOFTigers worries about the implications of visitors - so that you don’t have to.
TOFTigers PUG Eco-rating includes:
Checking effective operational management and legal requirements
Checking sustainable ecological practice from energy and water to waste, transport and construction
Seeking to revitalise habitats for wildlife and nature conservation
Supporting the revitalising of local economies
Supporting local communities
Promoting understanding of nature and wildlife
Minimising pollution
Encouraging heritage conservation and cultural understanding